far away from the daily routine a sensual loving encounter

Dear guests. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that cameras are installed outside the building in our entrance area, which record arrivals and departures using motion detectors. This is for security reasons. The data will be deleted after a few days and will only be used for possible prosecution.

The one camera inside the studio at reception is only switched on when you are absent, usually at night. There are no other cameras.

Please take note of this.

You can reach us at any time via the email address info@sensuallounge.ch or by phone between 10:00 and 20:00 on +41 79 859 17 88. SMS and Whats App also possible.

Appointments can be made by emailing info@sensuallounge.ch, via the online booking or by phone between 10:00 and 20:00 on +41 79 859 17 88.

You can see this in detail in our TERMS AND CONDITIONS. We ask you to contact us by phone. In no case we accept electronic refusals, refusals by Whats App or SMS.

You can see this in detail in our TERMS AND CONDITIONS. If the appointment is postponed and not canceled and an acceptable justification is given by phone call, we will decide individually and will certainly charge you an appropriate credit at your next appointment.

A preliminary meeting takes place at each appointment before the massage. It includes the greeting, a first acquaintance, switching off from everyday life and an arrival in our premises. It is also about deciding which massage is the right one and how long the massage should last. Details are discussed, wishes and suggestions are defined.

Hygiene is very important to us in the Sensual Lounge. Each guest receives fresh towels. The lungis and saris are freshly washed, the tools in addition to washing still disinfected. You shower before the massage as we shower before each guest. Bathroom and rooms are cleaned after each guest, everything is changed and disinfected.

Showering is obligatory before each massage and optional after the massage.

Time, anticipation, fun and good health.

The times described are pure massage times. Pre-talk and shower are not included. Therefore, always add about 30 minutes to the stay.

Cash payment welcome. EC, Twint Credit cards, Post Debit Card payments with fees only.
Since in recent years cash payments are becoming increasingly rare become more and more rare, we will we will charge fees for above mentioned means of payment from 2023. For more see info prices.

In the last 2 years, the prices for electricity, heating and ancillary costs have risen significantly. We purchase materials and supplies at sometimes 30% higher costs than 2 years ago. We have not had a price increase for over 5 years. This is our courtesy to our valued clientele. Since Corona is much more often paid by card and we have significant fees there, we have decided to charge on card payments.

The costs are as follows and apply from 2023.

Payments up to 200.-/3.-to 300.-/5.-to 400.-7.-to 500.-/10.-to 700.-12.-from 700.-15.-

We thank you for your understanding.

AHV-IV and students from 2023 onwards, there are no longer any reductions.

Our address: Oerlikonerstrasse 47, 8057 Zurich. https://app.cloudpano.com/tours/gs0SVfKEd?disable=controls

Depending on the type and extent of the disability. Please contact us and we will clarify this in a discreet conversation.

Our studio is designed barrier-free and completely wheelchair accessible

Our massage rooms, including showers / toilets, are completely handicapped accessible.

Our studio is completely wheelchair accessible.

In special cases we offer a pick-up service from Zurich Oerlikon train station. Maybe a home visit at your place would be a good solution.

Couple appointments are often special and require a preliminary discussion in order to address the common needs. These are possible either in person or by email request. Read the next tab.

For us, no wishes and needs are not worth at least one conversation. No shame, contact us.

Couple massage for four:

After an appointment arranged a massage has been selected and the duration determined, you arrive you arrive on time. For the welcome tea will be served and final points are discussed. You have predetermined whether the massage in the same room or separately. You will be taken to the checkroom begisteredwhere you undress and shower. Wrapped in the lunghi wrapped you will be then picked up by us and taken to the lounge. Depending on the type of massage, the massage time will then begin. It is important that nothing that you/you do not want and if you do not feel feel comfortable, the the empathetic masseur/masseuse can leave out the touches that omit the touches that you are not comfortable with. In the best case scenario, the massage will lead to orgasm. Orgasm should not be the goal, but the journey. Orgasms are sought, but not forced.

Couple massage for three:

The procedure is as described above. In a three-person massage, one partner is in the receiving receiving role. For long bookings this can also change.
The partner can watch from the comfort of a leather armchair. After a certain time, he/she can time from the beginning or not at all. This is agreed in advance. agreed in advance. If you would like to learn massage, we offer workshops and courses for couples.

Non-erotic massages are used for physical relaxation, to relieve pain, to release tension or simply to relax, to be pampered. In non-erotic massages, the intimate parts are not massaged, but combinations of massages are possible upon request.

During erotic massages all parts of the body and intimate areas are massaged as well. Erotic massages are provided with sensual elements from the beginning and depending on the massage, the touches are more energetic, sensual or stimulating. Towards the end of an erotic massage, more time is devoted to the intimate area. Please read the detailed descriptions of each massage carefully before you decide.

Even with the erotic massages there is no orgasm guarantee. The orgasm should not be the goal but on the way. Orgasms are sought but not forced.

Nothing ever happens that you do not really want. The massages can be stopped at any time if you do not feel comfortable or the sensitive masseur will leave out the touches that you do not like.

In the Tantra Massage Ritual we always adhere to the guidelines of the Förderverein Tantra Massagen Schweiz. Tantra Massage Info, click here

Tantra massages have been proven to work and heal not only physically but also spiritually. The body is the temple of the soul. The goal is to create a connection between spirituality, sensuality and sexuality. Through sensitive, gentle and loving touch, physical and emotional tensions are released and life energy can flow unhindered through the whole body again. "Give yourself what you need to come into your center and your power.

In addition to massage oil, cream and powder which are used in almost all massages, especially in the tantric massage feathers, skins, silk scarves, etc. are used.

During the Bondantra massage, blades, hemp ropes, chains and the like are also used. For the Sensual Massages, other tools from our large selection can be used if desired. Discuss this with the masseur / masseuse.

It is important that the activity during the massage ritual comes from the masseur. Mutual touching should be respectful, unintentional and not sexually motivated. There is usually nothing wrong with the recipient holding the masseuse or masseur carefully. However, the intimate area is excluded in all cases. Touching should only take place as part of the energy flow and symbolize the connection. Of course, this only applies to tantra and body to body massages. In all other massages, mutual touching is not permitted. Sexual union, oral sex or sexual acts with each other are an absolute taboo.

With which massages is the masseur naked?
Masseur is only available at Body to Body and at the Tantra massage unclothed.

Sexual acts like GV, OV etc. are excluded.

Classic, Sport, Relax, Wellness, Lomi Lomi, Thai Aroma Oil, and Sensual Touch massages are performed on a massage table.

Tantra, Bondantra, Thai and Body to Body Asia massage on an original Asian futon.

The shower ritual before a massage bookable and only for the erotic Massages (except Bondantra.)
The Shower Rituales is a mutual cleansing ritual in our Luxury shower system.
This is only the case with erotic single spa offers additionally bookable for an extra charge.

No, not at the moment.

We would be pleased to welcome you in our premises for a pre-registered information talk, an information event or a show event or a show event. You can reach us at any time via the email address info@sensuallounge.ch or by phone between 10:00 and 20:00 under the number +41 79 859 17 88.