GTC Internship
far away from the daily routine a sensual loving encounter
By verbally, in writing, submitting the web form online or registering in person for an internship, the participant enters into a business agreement with Sensuallounge, Züri Massage Schule und sensido GmbH and thereby accepts the general terms and conditions of Sensuallounge Züri Massage Schule und sensido GmbH.
Contractual agreement
If the internship is cancelled or postponed after registration, regardless of when the internship takes place, an expense of 80.-Sfr will be charged. If the participant cancels the internship within 48 hours before the start, Sensuallounge Züri Massage Schule und sensido GmbH is entitled to an additional compensation of 50% of the price of the agreed training. If the cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the agreed date or if the participant does not appear at the agreed date, the compensation is an additional 75% of the price of the agreed training. If the trainee cancels the training, the respective module will be charged or deducted from the outstanding salary, if possible. The following module always starts on the day of the passed exam of the previous module. The participant is obliged to keep agreed appointments and to cancel them at least 12 hours before the appointment. In case of unexcused absences and late cancellations, the lessons will be charged additionally according to time and effort.
If additional contracts are issued and sent, an additional 50.-Sfr will be charged in case of cancellation.
The customer is obliged to provide truthful information about his state of health. Should avoidable consequential damages occur despite expert application, which are due to the fact that a customer has concealed or trivialized reasons for exclusion, Sensuallounge Züri Massage Schule und sensido GmbH is exempt from any liability. The same applies to damages that arise because a reason for exclusion was not known to the customer himself and this was not recognizable to the instructors.