Tantra massage

Tantric massage immerses you in an erotic and sensual experience. It is not about sexual satisfaction, but about being touched holistically. The entire body is attentively touched, rediscovered and experienced. Through sensitive, gentle and loving touch, physical and emotional tensions are released and life energy can flow unhindered through the whole body again. "Give yourself what you need to come into your center and your power."

During the Tantra massage you move on a different, spiritual level. You can let yourself fall, listen to the music in the background, your eyes are closed tender, loving and passionate hands guide you during the tantra massage mindfully and accompany you into the world under your skin -

to an encounter with yourself.

The word "Tantra" comes from Indian and means "connection, expanded consciousness, tissue". An ancient secret teaching that bridges spiritual experience and sexuality. The term Tantra refers to the ancient Indian culture in which the sexual nature of man was accepted and respected. The body is considered the temple of the soul and is treated holistically.

The massage recipient is in the passive role and experiences an intense journey through their own body.

Tantra massage combines deep relaxation and a sense of well-being on the one hand, and on the other hand, the possibility to deal with concrete sexual therapeutic issues in a framework that is free from shame and pressure of expectations. However, Tantra is not about pure physical satisfaction, but about touching body and soul and connecting sexuality and heart. You are allowed to let yourself fall completely, there is nothing to do ... just be ...

You decide where and how far you want to go: Into the world of silence and deep relaxation, into the world of sensual touch, into the world of tenderness and pleasure..., or you go on a journey where you can experience all this together. Towards the end of the massage is an extensive massage of the intimate zone (yoni or lingam massage). One or more orgasms may, but do not have to. "Orgas-may, not orgas-must".

The massage is structured so that the entire body can be felt as a sensual instrument. Afterwards you feel energized, vitalized, touched all around and nourished.

Erotic massages

Sensual Touch

150.- Sfr/ €
190.- Sfr/ €
45 min
60 min

Lomi Lomi Sens

220.- Sfr/ €60 min


270.- Sfr/ €60 min


270.- Sfr/ €60 min

Body to Body Asia Massage

270.- Sfr/ €60 min

Extensions erotic massages

50.- Sfr/ €15 min

4 - Hand Sensual Touch Massages

400.- Sfr/ €60 min

4 - Hand massages on futon

500.- Sfr/ €60 min

Extension 4 hand massages

100.- Sfr/ €15 min

Shower ritual

30.– Sfr/ €

10 min

Whirlpool can be booked additionally from 20 min.


Single whirlpool stay

30.- Sfr/ €
20 min

Pair whirlpool stay

40.- Sfr/ €20 min


10.- Sfr/ €per 10 min